Biography notes Roberto Piaia |
Biography Roberto Piaia Italian Painter and Sculptor. Currently his lives in Mindelheim 87719, City in Lower Allgäu Germany, where paints in his Art Studio in Nebelhornstr. 2. Also, the Master often returns to Pietrasanta (Tuscany) for Bronze castings in the renowned foundries of the city. And for sculpt his sculptures in precious Carrara Marble.
He starts as a portraitist both in Painting and in Sculpture ![]() Painter
Biography Formation of PaintingAt the beginning of his career he devoted himself to painting. In this period he assimilates the theory and the practice of the ancient color utilization, which will take him to become master of color. The very personal style that Piaia has created has three pictorial currents. For this reason it was called Assurfivo: where as stands for Abstract, sur for Surreal, fivo for Figurative. AssurfivoAll the paintings are created with basic pencil sketch drawing and oil on canvas. Capture the colors of the rainbow to transport you, through a thousand shades of oil, on the paintings. It depicts bodies, portraits, objects and genre scenes through an impeccable hyper-realism. The final touch is done by illuminating the work with coloured sparks, transporting visions toward a dream-like, unreal state. He paints the transparencies of glass, crystals and water with an unquestionable executive ability. The Assurfivo is a swirl of colors and shapes which converge smoothly and seamlessly bringing together abstraction, figuration and surrealism. It utilizes the light spectrum of primary colors cleverly fine tuned. Showing – as well as a remarkable technical mastery – references to the great tradition of painting in the past. Reproduced in a modern, contemporary way. Roberto Piaia’s different creative period
These fascinating esoteric symbols are the signature of quadricromatic Piaia. Never the same, reminiscent of an indecipherable language, which tells a story unknown to us, filling the images with mystery. Biography Sculptural formationFrom 2005 to 2008 he follows the teachings of Master Pardini from Padua. Later, in 2009/’12, he moves to Pietrasanta, a renowned Tuscan town famous for its foundries and development of artistic marbles. This allows him to sharpen the technique of clay modeling and carving directly onto the marble of Master Nicola Stagetti. As a result of this, he invented and modeled an innovative spiral shape in sculpture. The idea of this particular form of roberto Piaia’s sculptures – worldwide premier – has been Copyright recognized and protected. The Spiral Statues world premier innovationPiaia’s research has deepened in many fascinating directions over the years, prompting him to translate the values of painting in terms of sculpture. This world premier innovation consists in the creation of the body. The volume structure is built around a double helix which wraps around itself. With a full visual effect in which the form is underlined through a coil, while the void appears suddenly, leaving room for imagination. Ingenious CreationsThis is a very difficult job, attempted by many but never actually realized, characterized by a precise study of solids and voids. Realized in a perfect balance of matter that does not need any support. Piaias’ Status are dressed with Green EnergyThe urgent need to help preserve the beauty and solidarity of our Earth is a desire that the artist has been cultivating for some time. Taking this impulse, in 2019 he designed this very innovative project. The artist has covered the Statues with Photovoltaic cells in the part exposed to the sun, thus embellishing the place where we live or work. They are placed on an artistically created base with solar panels. Depending on the size, the work can accommodate a Vertical Wind Turbine. Moreover, it can be equipped with columns for recharging Electric Cars. Main personal exhibits and awards
In 2016 he received the Free Time Award People of the Year, conferred to Piaia as best artist of the year, from the Republic of Bulgaria Embassy in Rome. Group Exhibition
Besides these, following exposure in homes of many Italian Institutes of Culture abroad, both in Europe and overseas. Among the most important: Sidney- Australia 2010;Cologne- Germany 2010; Munich- Germany) 2011; Stockholm- Germany 2011. Concluding, his works have been exhibited in many Art Fairs. Among the latest, in February 2018 to Art Capital, Au Grand Palais in Paris. Auctions
Collections and CommissionsArt Gallery, Lipsia – Germany Bust in memory of Police Inspector Rosario Sanarico. Naval base of Punta Pezzino, headquarters of the Divers State Police of La Spezia. Camerana- Agnelli Foundation, Association for the music De Sono, Turin-Lingotto, oil on canvas: Still life with violin n°1 Exhibition Catalogues2006 – In the House Cima, Giorgio Segato critical. Published by La Matita d’Arte Veneta. 2007 – General Catalog of Works, Paolo Levi critical. Published by Cairo Mondadori. 2007 – Bacco Venere and Gioielli, Paolo Levi critical. 2010 – The Feminine Essence Carmen De Guarda and Angelo Mistrangelo critical. Published by Cairo Mondadori. 2012 – Stories of Ligth, Roberto Piaia meets the Flemish and Dutch Masters of ‘600 Published by Faenza Group. 2019 – Comic. Eva The Spirale Woman ReviewsPaolo Levi, Art Critic. Giorgio Segato. Art Critic. Biografia. Angelo Mistrangelo, Journalist and Art Critic. Fabrizio Fantino, Historic art. Vittorio Sgarbi, Art Critic. Lorena Gava, Art Critic. Carmen De Guarda, Event organizer. Federica Repetto, Journalist. Wilhelm Unfried, Journalist. Gianpietro Garoli. M.Battaglia. M.Francesca Botteri. G. Maria Curtarelli Vazzoler. Fabio Girardello. Riccardo Millemaggi Pilonetto. Barbara Ajmar. Elena Ferrarese. Ricardo Petito, Maurizio Vignozzi, Claudia Conardi, A.Pinti, Chiara Tavernari, Barbara Pianalto, Fausto Politino, Ivano Callegaro. Adriana Rasera, Journalist. PublicationsCorriere dell’Arte, La Stampa di Torino, print Torinosette supplement of Turin, Il Messaggero, Il Tempo, La Tribuna (TV), Il Gazzettino (TV e VE ) Leggo, La Repubblica, Il Corriere della sera, La nuova di Venezia, La Gazzetta di Venaria (TO), City (TO),Corriere dell’Arte. Il Quindicinale di Vittorio Veneto (TV), Marca Aperta (TV), Il Risveglio popolare, La Guida, Il Monviso, Tribuna Novarese, Corriere di Saluzzo, Di Più, Vero, News spettacolo, Cronaca di Roma, Paioli, Poket, VP. Il Punto City Life, Torino+Piemonte Contemporary Art. Cose di Casa, Colto, Vedere a Torino supplemento il Giornale dell’Arte, Insideart, Vie del Gusto, Collezionare, Shop in the City, Weekend e viaggi, Artesera. Qui Toring, A di Anna, Composit Magazine. Arte & Arte bimensile di acca in arte, Arte Mondadori, Art e Dossier. Torino Magazine. Arte In, 2007 FlashArt supplemento calendario Roberto Piaia 60.000 copie A.M. Comanducci, Arte Italiana per il Mondo. Talento (TO) Annuario dell’Arte Moderna Mondadori, Enciclopedia d’Arte, Europa in Arte, Il Tirreno, La Nazione, Il Corriere del Mezzogiorno. Augsburger Allgemeine, Unterallgäu Rundschau. Television appearancesTG Rai 3 Veneto-Piemonte, Rai 3 Piemonte: Buongiornoregione, Tg2: Costume e Società, Canale 5: Verissimo. Rai 1: La Vita in Diretta, Tele Studio (To), Rai 3 Piemonte: Settimanale Quarta Rete (To). Grp Tg, Eden Tv (Tv), Telenordest (Pd), Torino Web News. Tg Sveva Tele Radio Padre Pio San Giovanni Rotondo, Tele Norba Radio InterviewsRadio Conegliano, Radio Fantastica, Radio Cuore, Radio Energy. Radio Rai 3, Radio in Blu, Radio Classica, Radio Grp, Prima Radio, Radio Palazzo Carli. Web publicationsBiography first of all | | | | | | | | | | | | | | La,,, Il, then, Il,,,, Il,, next:,,, Continued:, torino,,,,, Next,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,>, YouTubeArtwork in motion by Roberto Piaia | Art Studio Roberto Piaia | Resin art painting Genesis | Marble spiral work | The spiral Statue | Piaia’s works in all forms | Eva the woman in a spiral | Light and Matter | Self Portrait | | Bacco Venere e Gioielli Roma. Insend by Roberto Piaia. Atelier Roberto Piaia Sernaglia della Battaglia. Then Twn N°119 as Roberto Piaia – The Feminine Essence – Torino Rp. |